Today is Will's Baptismal Birthday. This was a hard concept to explain to a 3 year old. I told him that Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Tim, Suzie and Eric stood up in front at church when he was a baby. Pastor Siri poured water on his head and he was a child of God. I told him how good he was; that he didn't even cry.
So tonight we were talking about baptism again and telling him we needed to light his candle to celebrate his baptism. From the backseat of the car Will says, "Mom, we need a bucket!" After just experiencing the stomach flu at our house my first thought was, "Oh no! Why?" Then Will went on to explain that we needed a bucket of water. Oh of course, because we talked about how part of baptism was pouring water on the baby's head. It was too cute! So instead of the bucket of water we lit his candle, sang "Jesus Loves Me" and blew it out. I think we may have to pull out the video of his baptism one of these days.
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