Sunday, March 14, 2010


We celebrated Will's 2nd birthday this weekend! Thank you to all our family and friends who were able to spend the afternoon with us. Will was in choo-choo heaven with his train cake and lots of new train gear! Again this year he loved the balloons and had a hard time deciding whether it was more exciting to play with balloons or open his presents. After he'd open a gift he'd get distracted until we told him there were more. "More presents!" he would squeal. He also had a ball blowing out his 2 candle. We were surprised he knew just what to do. After he blew it out he singed/said "MORE!" I think we relit the candle 3 times. Most of all it was fun to watch him play with is friends and all the grandparents.

Let the "Terrific Twos" begin....and they have. Tonight Will was destroying his train tracks and Daddy said, "Time out!" and without skipping a beat Will said, "Time in!" I think we'll just say he's starting to learn opposites! Enjoy the pictures from his party.

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