I'm entering the techie world and trying a blog! Amanda, my friend and co-worker, convinced me to give it a try. So, here we go!
Will is nearly 6 months old now! Funny how fast 1/2 a year can fly by. The speed of his development amazes us each and every week. In no time he has gone from a sweet, little curled up ball of baby to a rolling, jabbering, kicking wild boy! Last night was one of those belly laugh moments for me. I was "trying" to rock Will to sleep (which never works, by the way). We were singing nice songs like "Amazing Grace" and all of a sudden Will's face got all red as he was learning how to stick his tongue out and blow! To his surprise he made a fun, new sound! Here we were sharing this sweet, solemn moment and he wanted to be a funny man! I guess he'll have some new noises to try out in church now. You'll see from the picture that Will is learning to eat "real food". He ate a whole box of rice cereal with apples! As soon I opened up the second box he decided he didn't like it anymore and refused to eat. We switched to oatmeal now and he's lovin' that. Soon he gets to start on that yummy baby food!
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