Will has always loved to go to the public library. We haven't been there for quite awhile. Today we went to the kick-off of the summer youth programs. Today's program was the puppet show, "Barnyard Capers". Will enjoyed it. It was fun to see how his attention span has grown over the last year. He sat and watched the whole 30-minute show. On the way to the show he was wondering if the "Bad Wolf" would be in the puppet show. Chris suggested that maybe it would be a fox. Will loves the idea of the bad wolf and sneaky fox, but is actually terrified of them, too. I bet you'll be able to tell which picture shows his fear of the sneaky fox who made an appearance in this show. We are so grateful for the library and all the programs they offer.

Will enjoys picking out new movies (DDDs - aka DVDs) at the library. Today we came home with 2 new movies and you guessed it - Thomas the Tank Engine! We also needed some new books to mix things up around here from the same old books. The best part is getting stamps on his hands after he checks out his books and movies. Stay tuned for all the fun we have planned for the summer!