Sunday, November 23, 2008

"Rock"-a-Bye-Bye BABY!!!

Our Baby Will sure likes to move, although he is still immobile (for now anyway). As we were getting him bundled up and ready to leave Grandpa and Grandma Peterson's house Wednesday night, he was amusing himself while we continued to chat. Take a look at the video to see our Rock-a-bye Baby!

We were so excited last Thursday because Will learned how to wave "bye-bye"! When his daycare provider, Beth, was waving goodbye to him he mimiced her. After I got him bundled up I told Will to tell Beth "bye-bye" and sure enough he looked at her and waved. If you'd have been there you would have witnessed a very proud mommy!

I also included some pictures of Will playing with his toys and a couple shots from his cousin, Alivya's, 5th birthday party on Saturday!!! We are looking forward to Will's first Thanksgiving. He is anticipating the grand meal of Thanksgiving Baby Food Gerber will be preparing for him!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Last night we celebrated Will's first Halloween! He was a trooper. We made 8 different stops out "Trick or Treating". That was 16 times in or out of the carseat. Will dressed up like a "Little Stinker" (a skunk). When we found this costume we knew it was perfect - since at some point we started calling Will "Stinker Pants". I'm not sure how it got started, but it stuck. He did a nice job of amusing his mommy by tollerating his costume all night long. Even though he doesn't eat candy yet, he didn't go without any "treats". I think he is one spoiled little guy. Today Will joined his friends, Rylee, Quinn and Michael, to take pictures in their Halloween costumes. They are quite a bunch! Afterwards they had fun playing together.